Crib Sheet - SQL Server 2005 - System Database(s) Restore
Restore Master database
1 - Stop and disable instance services (Server, agent, FT search)
2 - Start instance in single-user mode from DOS prompt
NOTE - you should be in the BINN path for commands to work
3 - Type sqlservr.exe -s<instanceName> -c -f -m (required for Master database)
NOTE - replace <instanceName> with the actual instance name, unless it's a
default instance; in that case don't use -s<instanceName> at all
4 - Log into instance from second DOS promt
5 - Type sqlcmd -S<serverName>\<instanceName>
NOTE - replace <serverName> with actual server name and<instanceName>
with the actual instance name, unless it's a default instance; in that
case just use the server name
6 - From the 1> prompt restore the system database
7 - Type restore database <dbName> from disk=<path> with recovery, replace
NOTE - replace <dbName> with the database to be restored, <path> with
the path to and backup filename in quotes
When done the instance stops automatically
NOTE: The Resource database depends on the location of the master database.
If you move the master database to a new location, you must also move the Resource
database to the same location as the master data file. May require –T3608 trace flag
8 - If you need to move the resource database, type the following commands
9 - ALTER DATABASE mssqlsystemresource
MODIFY FILE (NAME=data, FILENAME= 'new_path_of_master\mssqlsystemresource.mdf');
ALTER DATABASE mssqlsystemresource
MODIFY FILE (NAME=log, FILENAME= 'new_path_of_master\mssqlsystemresource.ldf');
NOTE - replace 'new_path_of_master' with the new location of the master database
10 - Repeat for the Model and MSDB databases, except you now only type
sqlservr.exe -s<instanceName> -c
Actual source unknown, though I received this from SQLCricket.