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  Sunday, March 30, 2025

OG = 1.050
FG = 1.011
-- New updated version 4/20/2009
-- reworked by bob
8 Oz. Honey Malt
8 Oz. Crystal Malt (20° Lovibond)
8 Oz. Carapils Malt (Belgian)
8 Oz. Munich Malt (Belgian)
3 lbs. Crisp Maris Otter
4 lbs. Crisp Castle Pils
1 lbs. Dried malt Extract
1 Oz. Williametter Pellet Hops
1 Oz. Glacier Pellet Hops
-- Original Extract version, a Fat tire clone, tweaked -- from Brew Your own magazine
5lbs Laaglander plain Extra-light DME
8 Oz. Honey Malt
8 Oz. Crystal Malt (20° Lovibond)
8 Oz. Carapils Malt (Belgian)
8 Oz. Munich Malt (Belgian)
8 Oz. Biscuit Malt (Belgian)
2 Oz. Chocolate Malt

3 AAUs Williamette Pellet Hops (0.66 Oz @ 4.5% alpha acid)
1.33 AAUs Fuggle Pellet Hops (0.33 Oz @ 4% alpha acid)
2 AAUs Fuggle Pellet Hops (0.50 Oz @ 4% alpha acid)

Irish Moss (1tsp.)
2/3 to 3/4 cup Corn Sugar to Prime
Wyeast 1056 or BrewTek CL-10
Directions: This Amber ale is full of toasted biscuit flavor with a nutty character.
For the full mash version, perform a regular mash, draw off 5-6 gallons, than add dried malt extract and perform the standard boil
For the Extract version, Steep speciality grains in 3 gallons of water at 154° F for 45 Minutes. Remove grains and add DME. Bring to boil add Williametter hops, boil for 60 minutes. Add Irish Moss. Boil 10 minutes and then add 0.50 Oz. Fuggle Hops. Boil another 20 minutes, add remaining Fuggles and remove from heat. Add water to get to 5.5 gallons of wort, cool and transfer to fermenting vessel with yeast.
Substitutions   Laaglander DME was difficult to find in Kansas City even in 2005 when I originally brewed this, , now it is impossible anywhere, as I think it is no longer imported.  I've created this beer using Munton DME or use John Bull Marris Otter LME (which is now also no longer available !) and 8oz Malto-Dextrin.
As you can see by all the "unavailables", it is sometimes best to choose all grain so you can consistently achieve your desired result.
  For a darker ale, use 0.50 Oz of Chocolate Malt.