Sessions: 266 The postings on this site are my own and do not represent my Employer's positions, advice or strategies.


  Tuesday, October 22, 2024

OG = Unknown
FG = Unknown
4 lbs Alexander Pale Wheat malt extract (liquid)
1 lb Muntons Plain Light Wheat DME
1 lb Muntons Extra Light Malt DME
3 lbs Muntons Extra Light DME
1 lb Light Belgian Candy Sugar
12 Oz Crystal 60
1 Oz Black Patent
1 Oz East Kent Goldings (Bittering)
1 Oz Tettanger
1 Oz Styrian (bittering) Goldings

Irish Moss (1tsp.)
2/3 to 3/4 cup Corn Sugar to Prime
White Labs Belgian Abbey Ale Yeast
Directions: A Strong Belgian Ale....
Heat water, steeping grains, when boil begins remove grains.  Add Malt extracts and 1/2 of the Bittering hops.  Boil for 30 minutes, add rest of Bittering hops.  Boil for 15 minutes add 1/2 of the Tettanger hops.  In last 10 minutes of boil add rest of tettanger hops and Irsh moss.  Remove from heat. Add water to get to 5.5 gallons of wort, cool and transfer to fermenting vessel with yeast.
Substitutions   ....
  Add a bottle of Rum at Priming Time !! ...