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  Thursday, March 13, 2025
SG: 1.046 - 1.050
FG: 1.012 - 1.018
This recipe is from my local home brew shop (LHBS), Homebrew Pro Shoppe , the name for this beer was borrowed from the book, "The Homebrewer's Recipe Guide".
(2) 3.3lb Briess Wheat Malt Extract
1 lb. Flaked Oats
8 Oz. Crushed White Wheat Malt
1 Oz. Coriander Seed
1 Oz. Bitter Orange Peel
1 Oz. Tettnanger Hops (bittering)
5 Oz. Priming Sugar
WLP400 - Belgian Wit yeast strain
Directions: Steep speciality grains in 2.5 gallons of water at 160° F for 15 Minutes. Remove grains and add the Wheat malt extract, bittering hops, boil for 40 minutes.  Crush the coriander seeds with a rolling pin.  Add coriander seeds and bitter orange peel, boil for 20 more minutes.  Add water to get to 5.5 gallons of wort, cool and transfer to fermenting vessel with yeast.
Substitutions /
Try Hallertauer and cascade hops instead of tettnanger.
Watch the fermentation, wheat beers always seem to take longer for me to ferment, check the gravity !