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  Tuesday, October 22, 2024

This is Animal Stout, a simple easy to make Oatmeal Stout. I originally made this beer from left over malt and hops, no better use for left overs has ever been found.
3.3 lbs. John Bull Dark Liquid Malt Extract
3 lbs Dark Dried Malt Extract
8 Oz. Black Patent
6 Oz. Crystal Malt (60 ° Lovibond)
8 Oz. Rolled Oats
1 Oz. Fuggle Hops - Bittering
1/2 Oz. Saaz Hops - Finishing
1/2 Oz. Cascade Hops - Finishing
Yeast (standard Muntons Ale Yeast)
Irish Moss
Directions: Steep speciality grains in 2.5 gallons of water at 160° F for 15 Minutes. Remove grains and add the malt extract, bittering hops, boil for 30 minutes.  During Last 10 minutes add Irish Moss and Finishing Hops.  Add water to get to 5.25 gallons of wort, cool and transfer to fermenting vessel with yeast.  Transfer to a secondary fermenter, wait, Bottle and Enjoy.