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Blog posts for the month of July,2018.
sql server azure always-on power shell configure listener6/26/2018 12:16:12 PM

Configuring a listener on Azure with availability groups requires a special power shell script to be run afterwards to make it available outside the environment.

I had issues running the script with the multiple statement, but if you run them singularly you are good to go.

$ClusterNetworkName = "<MyClusterNetworkName>" # the cluster network name (Use Get-ClusterNetwork on Windows Server 2012 of higher to find the name)
$IPResourceName = "<IPResourceName>" # the IP Address resource name
$ILBIP = "<n.n.n.n>" # the IP Address of the Internal Load Balancer (ILB). This is the static IP address for the load balancer you configured in the Azure portal.
[int]$ProbePort = <nnnnn>
Import-Module FailoverClusters
Get-ClusterResource $IPResourceName | Set-ClusterParameter -Multiple @{"Address"="$ILBIP";"ProbePort"=$ProbePort;"SubnetMask"="";"Network"="$ClusterNetworkName";"EnableDhcp"=0}
#--  Probe Check Script:
Get-ClusterResource |`
Where-Object {$_.ResourceType.Name -like "IP Address"} |`
Get-ClusterParameter |`
Where-Object {($_.Name -like "Network") -or ($_.Name -like "Address") -or ($_.Name -like "ProbePort") -or ($_.Name -like "SubnetMask")}

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